The village of Wawne is the main residential village in the parish of Wawne, which lies within the East Riding of Yorkshire, England.
The village is located in close proximity to the city of Kingston Upon Hull and the historic town of Beverley.
According to the 2011 UK census the parish of Wawne had a population of 975.
There are 400+ dwellings within the village and the entire parish covers 1,753.4 hectares.
Within the village there is a popular primary school, a post office and general store as well as a village hall which holds a number of varied activities. There is also St Peter’s church where worship has taken place for 900 years. A public house to be found as you enter the village.
The village is surrounded by farmland both arable and livestock.
The Council is made up of up to 11 Councillors and the Clerk.
The council must have a Chair and Vice-Chair who are both elected at the AGM by their fellow Councillors.
The Clerk is employed by the council on a part-time basis.
The Clerk is the Proper Officer and Responsible Finance Officer of the Council.
The Clerk also implements policies and decisions of the Council.
The Council currently have vacancies to be a Councillor. There are set criteria you have to meet but if you are interested click below to find out more.
The Parish Council have many functions and powers which come mainly form the local government act. More information can be found here
Our Clerk who is currently Mrs Anne Gawthorpe works from home, this includes carrying out the policy and financial duties swell as discharging any other duties and peers given to her by the Councillors.
The Council also provide a "Handy Man". The role of the "Handy Man" is to carry out odd jobs and task around the village that would not be fulfilled by East Riding of Yorkshire Council. These include litter picking, tempting bins and reporting issues to the Council.
A Parish Council is a local authority whose councillors are elected every 4 years. An Election will only take place if enough valid nominations are received by the Local Authority. If not enough valid nominations are received the Parish Council may co-op its Councillors on.
All Parish Councillors live or work in the village and their role is voluntary, with no pay.
All Councillors adhere to the Parish Councils Code of Conduct and complete a register of interests.
The Parish Councillors know the Parish and can represent its views to other authorities such as District and County Councils.
Parish and Town Councils in England are the first tier of local government that delivers a vast range of services at a community level.
There are around 10,000 Community, Parish and Town Councils in England and Wales, made up of nearly 100,000 councillors. These first-tier Councils can respond to the needs of the community – delivering the services or representation it most needs.
Currently Wawne Parish Council is the most local form of government, which is then followed by the Local Authority, which is East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
The Council has powers that mainly come form the Local Government Act but also have an amount of influence. The role of the Parish Council is to represent its residents/ parishioners on issues it gets connected about. The Parish Council will make representations to the relevant authorities on its residents behalf. The Parish Council are consulted on local Planning Applications, Highway/Road Safety issues, long term planning and wider community involvement strategies.
Many provide Allotments, look after recreation facilities and village greens, they maintain and guard things such as rights of way, shelters, small scale street lighting, and often provide village halls and meeting places.
The Parish Council can do these things by actually providing them itself, or by helping someone else (such as a charity or volunteers) financially to do so. Parish councils have the power to improve the quality of community life by spending sums of money on things which, in their opinion, are in the interests of the parish or its inhabitants.
We act as the conduit for complaints and will make your opinions heard to whomever needs to hear them. We often deal with issues that include;
- Overgrown Trees/ Hedgerows
- Flooding and Drains
- Traffic and Speeding
- Crime
- Highways and Paths
- Planning
We also work on finical plans that will allow us to make the correct investments into our community that make it safer and a better place to live. These include putting funding towards community groups, community initiatives and infrastructure improvements.
The Parish Council gets its funding from raising a precept each year. This is paid by the Parishioners through their Council Tax Bill. The amount you pay can be seen demonstrated on your latest council take bill.
Each year before raising a precept the council considers its budget and if the amount of precept they request needs to be increased, lowered or remain the same. The details of how much the current precept for the Parish Council is can be found in the minutes of the deciding meeting.
The Parish Council may receive funding from other sources to help out with specific projects or activities.