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The Gazette is published every other month for the whole community to read and it is delivered free of charge.

The current editor of the Gazette is Cllr Jacob Birch


The Wawne Gazette is the local magazine for local people. It is funded by the Wawne Parish Council with help from supporters and advertisers.

Every other month we put together stories from around the parish to be published in the Gazette. These come from all the village groups and organisations. We also have a section for residents to write something "Residents Conversation Corner". 

Each issue also includes a Recipe, Quiz and a Poem.

We hope you enjoy reading the New Look Wawne Gazette! 

Should you have any comments questions or, dare I say it complaints, then please feel free to contact us. If we do not acknowledge your email, we haven’t got it – give us a call!

Also don’t forget to keep an eye on the Dates for your Diary section for all the exciting village events that are coming up. Please make sure you advise us accordingly with other Parish events you wish to add.

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Cllr Jacob Birch

Email -

Phone - 07926385306


View past editions of the Wawne Gazette.

If you would like any editions not listed here contact the Editor

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