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Wawne Parish Council Update - July 2021

Wawne Parish Council

The Community Plan

Following the recent survey around the draft of the Community Plan we are pleased to say that the plan will be adopted by the Parish Council with few.

The survey answers have been reviewed with three things in mind

To confirm that the Parish Council perceived ‘views/concerns’ are shared by our Parishioners

To identify issues/topics that the Parish Council are not aware of and/or addressing

Look for major themes to amend/determine the Parish Council’s priorities

We are pleased to say that, as we hoped, we had our finger on the pulse in so many areas and the survey has reenforced our commitment to deliver on the Community Plan – the survey responses confirm that road safety is an issue, village growth without improved infrastructure is an issue, environmental issues need increased focus and that we need more ways of keeping it contact with/hearing from our parishioners.

In the next few paragraphs, we have summarised the full report but if you have a little time on your hands a detailed report/analysis is available to anyone interested -an on-line version can be found on our website and a paper copy can be provided if you would like to contact the Clerk.

In the ‘your opinion of the council’ section we feel we did well in all areas

Only 10% do not think that we do our best for the parish

Only 15% do not support the work we do

Around 25% do not feel listened to by the council

In the ‘your priorities’ and ‘our goals’ sections we are happy to say that 60% of respondents supported what we have included in the plan and our future budgets.

In the ‘open/unscored’ section where we asked for your general views - so much of what we believed was reconfirmed and so many of you clearly share our views and plans.

From the specific questions asked this was the feedback

Over 90% of those that responded were concerned with speeding with a handful that could not understand why we were bothering!

Over 30% see the Sutton Road bridge and/or lack of pavement as the danger ‘hot spot’ and want action while a handful think it’s up to motorists to drive more safely and do not think action needs to be taken.

10% have concerns about the Recreation Field – drugs, child safety, outdated equipment.

95% are against more houses in the village until concerns around draining, flooding, loss of more ‘green space’ and yet more cars speeding in and around the area are addressed.

There were a few things that people wanted to see happening in and around the village we hope that the people who have responded will contact the Parish Council so that we can help them get at least some of the following ideas up and running.

Introduce a car boot on Sunday in the playing field

Provide support for the village shop

Get the Post Office open more often

More Bridle paths

Mother and Tot’s sessions in the Village Hall

New Parish Councillors

We are happy to report that we have two new councillors on the Parish Council – both have a keen interest in the village and parish, and we hope will be a fantastic addition to the team.

Stephen Pinder grew up the village, attended the village school and now has time to commit to making the village an ideal place for everyone.

Craig Matson is a relative newcomer to the village and with significant business experience will certainly bring a new site of challenger to the council.

Stephen and Craig were co-opted onto the council at the June meeting and will make their formal declaration at the July meeting.

Parking on Pavements

The parking on pavement issues have not gone away and we continue to receive complaints.

We have a simple policy

Remind everyone about ‘blocking the highway’ via articles in gazette, just to get us all thinking about the people we affect – the people we force to walk on the road!

Target specific area with a ‘letter drop’ as and when we receive complaints from multiple parishioners about a specific issue area.

A “letter drop” was carried out for the latest set of complaints, however it was not received in the light it is meant to be. Even though it is no more than a reminder, asking people to consider their actions. As a result, we have written to the EYRC for help with the problem as parishioners feel that we should not be taking this course of action. Our role is to work with and support the regulatory bodies who all feel that a reminder from the parish council is a better first step than intervention by themselves.

If you are parking on the pavement and ‘blocking the highway’ please think again as it is not only inconsiderate for those trying to use the footpath, but it also causes long term damage which eventually will have to be paid for when being repaired and this will more than likely come from taxpayer’s money.

Recreation Ground

Following several exchanges of e-mails about our planning applications we have had a further on-site meeting with the EYRC regarding the application and the advice from both EYRC teams attending was useful.

The EYRC members attending have years of experiences behind them and are well are of issues affecting small villages such as ours. The 2-hour meeting was extremely useful and arguments for and against several options resulted in some short-term plans and agreement on future debate and funding

We discussed the recent increase in graffiti, and they have contacts in the outreach programme that can target the offenders

We discussed the materials to be used and they provided evidence around why wooden equipment would not be suitable

We discussed the wildlife and diversity issues and our plans for more trees in the area in a programme aimed at developing the site usage with the school and the school children

We discussed improved access and car parking – particularly for the disabled

We discussed the isolated nature of the site and the location of the play equipment, and they came up with ideas around opening the site and increasing utilisation of the Main Field

We discussed the ‘losses of the main field if the play equipment is sited there and they would like us to reconsider the location of the new equipment as large areas of green space for play and sport are rapidly disappearing across the county

We will keep you informed of our plans


We are all tremendously grateful for the villagers, young and old that have taken to collecting litter on behalf of the village.

Around 200 bags of litter have been collected so far this year!

The Community Spirit of the volunteers is a joy to behold and not only are they keeping the village cleaner they are saving your money!

If we had to fund the work, they undertaken we would have to find around £4,000 – have a look at the next article and find out what that type of saving means to us all.

Pavement Repairs

We have been trying to get the EYRC to carry out a review of the pavements along Meaux Road and during the process agreed that it would make sense to combine several pavements improvements into the general improvement programme being undertaken along the whole of Meaux Road this year.

We have been able to contribute £3,500 towards the costs of repairs which means that the work will completed this year - unfortunately this means that the 2021 repairs of the remainder for Main Street will now be deferred until 2022.

School Bus

Following a compliant about the long-standing pick-up point for the school bus taking children to the Beverley schools EYRC have carried out a review of the existing site and two optional sites – one near the Village Hall and the current one outside the village shop.

A Decision is expected soon and will be reported in the next Wawne Gazette.

Wawne Stores and Post Office

Goodbye Kate

On behalf of the Parish Council Cllr Christine Beaumont presented Kate with a bunch of flowers to express our appreciation of the time and support she has provided the council during her time running the Wawne Stores.

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