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Parish Update - February

Wawne Parish Council

On the first Thursday of every month the Wawne Parish Council meet in the Wawne Village Hall at 7pm. It is at these meetings we discuss any matters affecting the Parish of Wawne. This may be potential events we are planning, crime reports from Humberside Police, listening to resident’s views and concerns as well as planning applications and funding requests.

Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting, you don’t need to have a reason. If you can’t attend but would like to raise an issue then please email the clerk. The minutes and agendas are always posted on the website and in the noticeboard.

For those of you unable to join us, here is a brief summary of the type of things we have been up to or are thinking about:


First of all a big thank you to Dave White who, along with members of the Parish Council, helped rescue cars stranded in the flooded junction at the entrance to the village and set up flashing warning signs to stop any more speeding drivers from being trapped in over a foot of water and sewerage.

The pumping station simply could not pump to Kingswood as their pumping stations were doing their best to keep Kingswood safe.

Weeks before the flood we had recognised issues with local riparian drain and would like to thanks Malcolm Pearson for the information and contact points he has provided.

We are in contact with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Beverley & Holderness Drainage Board and plan to work with them to produce a five-point action plan around identification, current status and enforcement.

Traffic Controls


o We have held more sessions with the support of PCSO Bainton and formal letters have been sent out by the police to people going over 30mph.

o We are concerned that the speed watch events are not taking place with enough regularity and plan to liaise with the Office of the Police Crime Commissioner about training that will allow us to carry out the sessions without PCSO Bainton.


o We have sent a further letter and photographs of the car badly damaged in the rear end shunt at the bridge to Sutton.

Speed Survey

o We are paying for a four-point speed survey in order to gather data to use for our traffic and speed calming project.


We keep chasing the ERYC and having paid towards repairs for many of our pavement had expected work to have commenced before new - we have feedback and expect the work to be completed before the end of the financial year, 2020.


The Parish Council along with Mid Holderness Ward Councillor have been

in constant contact with many residents who live on Ferry Road and have raised

concerns about the state of the road and the developments that are taking place.

We are aware the road has deteriorated and that the developers have

obligations, which is why we are keeping up the pressure to ensure all rules and

regulations are followed.

Recreation Ground

We now have enough information around the history of the Playing field, the

play area and the old tennis courts to make an informed decision about the way

forward. We just have to get a couple of agreements in place and should be able

to reveal a plan for the site early 2020.

The subcommittee has a number of options for the site and are looking at

the grants available. They are starting to realise that what they want will not be

possible in one single project. What may happen is a phased plan that sees new

equipment introduced to parts of the site with old equipment left in place until the

next phase and a final phase of a general tidy up.


Just a list of “thank you’s” for those villagers that helped us with the successful

Christmas Light Switch on;

• The whole of the Village Hall Committee

• The whole of the Church Committee

• Gail Jennison for distributing and collecting lanterns

• Andy Beulah for putting up the tree

• Terry from Church Road from helping with the tree

• Martin Benge our VIP for switching the lights on

• Mark Wilson & Dave Palmer traffic control

On the first Thursday of every month the Wawne Parish Council meet in the Village Hall at 7pm. It is at these meeting we discuss any matters affecting the parish. This can range from planning applications to village events and sponsorship, as well as the crime reports from Humberside Police.

The meetings are open to any members of the public who wish to attend, with an open forum for parishioners to voice any concerns, issues they may have OR to ask any questions.

If any residents ever have any issues OR would like to raise something with the Parish Council, then please do not hesitate to come to meetings. Can’t make the meetings, well then you can email the clerk and it will be dealt with in the meeting.

The Wawne Parish Council is always s looking for new people to join. It is a great way to get involved in the Parish and help make decisions.

Why not come to the next meeting and see what you think? We meet in the Village Hall every first Thursday of the month.

Register your interest by contacting the Parish Clerk.  Anne Gawthorpe

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