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Wawne Parish Council

There has been an attempt to impersonate members of the Parish Council via a spam email.

If you are in receipt of an email from the Parish Council, please check the senders address to ensure it is truly who it says it is from.

The email address that the recent spam email came from is ””””

The content of the email was as follows:

“Could you pls spare a minute to assist me in completing a ta­sk discreetly.

Would be glad to rec­eive your response through email because I'm presently in a meeting

Best Regards”

If replied to the spammer will then continue to ask you to:

“I'm so tied up right now, can you purcha­se an iTunes Voucher gift card 2 pieces -£100 each at any ne­ar by store?

I would reimburse you when am through la­ter today. I would have preferred to call you but can't rece­ive or call at the moment with my line

Let me know if you can purchase them now. Thanks and I'll be awaiting ASAP

Kind Regards”

Please note that Wawne Parish Council would NEVER ask you to do the above. In addition the Parish Council would only ever email from the official Wawne Parish Council email addresses when referring to Wawne Parish Council business.

For any further advice and support please visit:

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